Alabama Public Records Search

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Calhoun County, Alabama Birth & Death Records

Are you looking to obtain a copy of your birth certificate, or the birth record of someone close to you? Or are you looking for the death certificate or death record of a family member for your scrapbook and family tree? Regardless of why you are looking for records of birth and death, the Alabama Department of Public Health will be able to help facilitate your request. Their website can be located at

However, you should be aware of something before you begin your birth record search or death record search: under Alabama state law, Vital Records, which are records of death, birth, marriage or divorce, are split into two different categories. These distinctions are based on whom can access these documents, and the level of privacy allotted to each of them. Birth records and birth certificates have the strictest requirements, and death records and certificates are somewhat lower. Marriage and divorce records, however, are freely accessibly to anyone.

A full explanation of the requirements to obtain a record of birth for anyone born in Alabama can be found at This page also provides an order form for your request.

A full explanation of the requirements necessary to obtain a record of death for anyone born in Alabama can be found at

The official ADPH web page for Calhoun County can be found at

Finally, you should also be aware that you must pay a $15.00 fee for the first copy of any type of Vital Record, including both death and birth records, and a $6.00 fee for each subsequent copy.
