Alabama Public Records Search

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Covington County Birth and Death Records

Hunting for records and official details of just about any kind can be a tremendous difficulty in just about any state in the country, including Alabama. There are dozens of websites to sort through, as many layers of bureaucracy as an onion, and too many telephone numbers to contact. Thankfully, not all records are difficult to find.

In Alabama, birth records, death certificates, and marriage and divorce records are Vital Records – which means that they are easily found. That’s because a single institution handles all of the records for the state, the Alabama Department of Public Health. Although there are certain requirements that you must meet before being able to obtain a copy of a birth record or death certificate for someone other than yourself, the process is straightforward and simple.

If you are looking to obtain a copy of a record for a person other than yourself, then you should visit the ADPH page on this at This page details all of the information you need to obtain a birth certificate, although generally speaking, you are mostly required to demonstrate that you’re directly related to the person named on the certificate. The page for death records can be found at

It should be noted that obtaining a copy of any type of Vital Record will require you to pay a fee to the ADPH of fifteen dollars for the first copy of a birth certificate or death certificate, and six dollars for each additional copy.

Finally, the records imposed by the ADPH expire 125 years after the date of issuance for birth certificates, and 25 years since the date of issuance for death records.
