Alabama Public Records Search

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Randolph County, Alabama – Jail and Prison Records

When searching for any of a wide number of different types of official records in Alabama, you have probably come to understand that this is rarely an easy process and almost never a straightforward one. This is mostly because most institutions throughout Alabama do not have adequate records that they keep online, and this is most especially true for individual counties, just as it is with jail and prison records for Randolph County.
Because of this, it is often easier to utilize state-based resources to conduct searches for jail and prison records. Depending on the type of information you are looking for, one of two different groups will be of most use to you. If you are looking to find a specific person, or several specific persons, whom may be housed and imprisoned within Alabama, then you will want to use the Alabama Department of Corrections, and the search tool that they provide. You can access this at The ADOC also hosts a wide number of different statistics dealing with the imprisoned population of Alabama, and you can find the homepage for these stats at
Alternatively, if you are seeking information about the actual crimes committed in Alabama, then you will want to acquaint yourself with the Alabama Criminal Justice Information Center. Their website focuses on just that, and will allow you to sort and search through information in a variety of ways. You can begin with their overview on crime in Alabama at 2009.
