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Colbert County Marriage and Divorce Records

Although finding many official records in Colbert County can be difficult, this is not the case with marriage and divorce records. Rather, these types of records are actually very easy and almost painless to get ahold of. Unfortunately, they aren’t readily available online.

That’s because the Alabama Department of Public Health, the organization whom is in charge of all Vital Records (which also includes birth and death records), requires a fee of fifteen dollars to be paid to receive the first copy of any marriage certificate or record, as well as for any divorce record. Additional copies of these records costs six dollars.

Thankfully, however, there are no other requirements to obtain marriage license record information of divorce proceedings. Under Alabama state law, these types of Vital Records are considered to be public information. Other Vital Records, such as birth and death records, need you to have a certain level of relationship with the person indicated by the certificate. However, with marriage and divorce records, no such relationship must be demonstrated.

The website with all of the specific forms for receiving marriage records can be found at Here, you can order records online and see exactly what those records will detail. The page for records of divorce can be located here:

The ADPH also has a branch office in Colbert County. It can be contacted by telephone at (256)383-1231, or visited in person at 1000 Jackson Highway, in Sheffield. Visiting this office in person is a viable alternative for those whom would rather pay for such records in cash.
