Alabama Public Records Search

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Baldwin County Marriage and Divorce Records

For Baldwin County, Alabama, there are numerous online resources to help you find information about marriage licenses, certificates, and records, as well as divorce proceedings and divorce records.

To begin, you will probably want to start at the Marriage License home page for Baldwin County, Alabama, which can be located here in this PDF: <a href="”>Instructions for Completing and Filing an Alabama Marriage Certificate (for Adults). This page lists the particular requirements to obtain a marriage license in Baldwin County, and these details include being eighteen years of age, as well as providing the state with information regarding the status, if applicable, of your previous marriage.

To perform a search of all of the marriage licenses granted in Baldwin County, Alabama, visit this page: All of the marriages performed since 1936 until present in Baldwin County are accounted for. Please note, however, that this database may not include married couples whom were married outside of Baldwin County, but reside there now.

If you are searching for more specific marriage information, including those couples married outside of Baldwin County but currently residing there, then you will want to contact the Alabama Department of Public Health. Their website is located here: By providing them with a payment of $15 for the first copy, and $6 for the second copy, official, vital records can be obtained about individuals. The records available from this office include marriage licenses, marriage records, divorce records, and the marital status of individuals. A copy of the application you must send can be found here: Please note, however, that due to privacy concerns, there may be some requirements on behalf of the requestor to obtain personal records.

The mailing address for the Baldwin County Health Department is:

22251 Palmer Street
P.O. Drawer 369
Robertsdale, Alabama 36567

Their phone number is (251) 947-3618, and their fax number is (251) 947-3557.
